Q1: What is permanent makeup, and how does it work?
A1: Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation, involves applying pigments to the skin to enhance features like eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips. It's done using a specialized tattooing technique, where a small, sterile needle deposits the pigment into the top layers of the skin.

Q2: Is permanent makeup truly permanent?
A2: While it's called "permanent," the pigments may fade over time due to factors like sun exposure and skin regeneration. Touch-up sessions are recommended every 1-3 years to maintain the desired intensity.

Q3: Does the procedure hurt?
A3: Most people experience mild discomfort similar to eyebrow plucking or threading. Topical numbing creams are used to minimize any pain during the procedure. I use DotC Blue and Tag45 from Unit Dose.

Q4: How long does the procedure take?
A4: The duration varies depending on the area and complexity. Eyebrows can take 1-2 hours, eyeliner around 1.5 hrs and lip color 1.5-2 hours.

Q5: What's the healing process like?
A5: Initially, there might be some redness and swelling, but this subsides within a few days. Take action to reduce eyelid and lip swelling by using a cool compress for 10 min every hr. Use a barrier between the compress and your skin to avoid contact with condensation from the compress. The treated area should not form a scab. A layer of skin may flake off revealing the final color 4-6 weeks later.

Q6: Can I choose the color and shape?
A6: Yes, I will work with you to choose the ideal color and shape that suits your preferences and complements your features.

Q7: Are there any risks involved?
A7: While rare, risks can include allergic reactions, infections, or dissatisfaction with the outcome. Choosing a licensed and experienced professional reduces these risks. I am licensed, certified and have over 10 years experience.

Q8: How do I find a reputable technician?
A8: Research is crucial. Look for technicians with certifications, before-and-after photos, and positive reviews. Consultations are essential to discuss your goals and ensure you're comfortable with the technician and to view their establishment. The place you get tattooed must be separate from rooms where people habitat. If there is an adjoining door it must be locked during business hrs and there must be a door leading outside. Receiving permanent makeup in someone's home is illegal. Licensed and certified do not mean the same thing. A license to Tattoo is issued by the state and guarantees the state health department will inspect the esdtablishment. Certifications are from permanent makeup schools and the majority of certifications can be obtained by paying a fee and do not ensure the technician has any artistic ability or that their establishment meets the health code.

Q9: What's the cost, and is it a one-time expense?
A9: Visit Online Booking for current prices.

Q10: Are there any pre-procedure or post-procedure care instructions?
A10: Yes, click pre-procedure guidelines and after care instructions to view. And aftercare instructions are given to you at your procedure appointment. Generally, it's important to avoid sun exposure, excessive sweating, and picking at the treated area during the healing process.

Q11: Can anyone get permanent makeup?
A11: Most people can, but certain medical conditions and medications might make you ineligible. Click for contraindications.

Q12: How long should I expect the results to last?
A12: Results typically last 1-3 years, depending on factors like skin type, aftercare, and the chosen pigments. Touch-ups help maintain the desired appearance and are recommended every 2 years. Click Online Booking for current pricing. Prices for maintenance appointments are on a sliding scale.

Remember, it's essential to thoroughly research and consult with a qualified professional before deciding on permanent makeup. Each person's skin and preferences are unique, so ensure you're well-informed and comfortable with the process.
Q13: Can I still wear regular makeup over my permanent makeup?
A13: Absolutely! Permanent makeup is meant to enhance your natural features, but you can still apply additional makeup for special occasions or to change up your look after the healing process.

Q14: What if I change my mind about the color or shape later on?
A14: While permanent, the pigments can be adjusted or altered with follow-up sessions. It's important to communicate openly with me to achieve the desired changes.

Q15: Will my permanent makeup look natural?
A15: I strive to create a natural and realistic appearance that complements your features. They consider factors like skin tone and hair color to achieve a subtle and flattering result.

Q16: Can I get permanent makeup if I have sensitive skin or allergies?
A16: If you have allergies or sensitive skin, you may schedule a consultation to perform a patch test to ensure you won't have adverse reactions. The fee is $20 dollars. Book a consultation and in the notes section request a patch test.

Q17: How long do I need to avoid swimming or sun exposure after the procedure?
A17: You'll need to avoid swimming and excessive sun exposure for one to two weeks after the procedure to allow proper healing. Sunscreen is crucial once you're healed to prevent fading.

Q18: Can I have an MRI scan if I have permanent makeup?
A18: Having an MRI with permanent makeup is generally safe. However, it's important to inform your healthcare provider and MRI technician about your permanent makeup to ensure there are no complications.

Q19: What's the difference between traditional tattooing and permanent makeup?
A19: Traditional tattoos penetrate deeper layers of skin and use different pigments, making them more permanent and often bolder in appearance. Permanent makeup is designed for a more natural look and uses pigments that fade over time.

Q20: Can I get permanent makeup while pregnant or breastfeeding?
A20: It's generally recommended to avoid permanent makeup procedures during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to hormonal changes and potential safety concerns. Consult your healthcare provider for guidance.

Q21: How long does the initial healing process take, and when will I see the final result?
A21: The initial healing period is around 7-10 days, during which the treated area will scab and flake off. You'll see the final, healed result about 4-6 weeks after the procedure.

Q22: What if I have a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars?
A22: People with a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars should be cautious and may want to avoid permanent makeup. Consult with a dermatologist or medical professional before proceeding. See contraindications.

Q23: Can I get more than one type of permanent makeup done in a single session?
A23: yes, you may book multiple procedures on the same date. However, this will extend the overall procedure time.

Q24: How do I take care of my permanent makeup long-term?
A24: To maintain your results, avoid excessive sun exposure, use sunscreen, and follow any specific aftercare instructions. Maintenance appointments will also help keep your permanent makeup looking fresh.

Remember, open communication with me is vital to a successful permanent makeup experience. Don't hesitate to ask any questions or voice your concerns before, during, and after the procedure.
Q25: Can I still get traditional makeup applied over my permanent makeup?
A25: Yes, you can use traditional makeup over your permanent makeup after the healing period. Just ensure you're gentle when applying and removing makeup to avoid irritating the treated area.

Q26: What if I have a history of cold sores (oral herpes)?
A26: If you have a history of cold sores, you will need to consult with your doctor and obtain antiviral medication before lip procedures to prevent outbreaks in the treated area.

Q27: How long should I wait before exercising after getting permanent makeup?
A27: It's best to wait at least a week before resuming exercise to allow the treated area to heal properly.

Q28: Can I get permanent makeup if I have certain skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis?
A28: Yes, unless you have active eczema or psoriasis in the procedure area. If you have concerns get clearance from your doctor. See Contraindications.

Q29: What if I have allergies to certain pigments?
A29: I advise you to book a consultation to receive a patch test.

Q30: How soon can I wear makeup after the healing process?
A30: 7-10 days. You should wait until the treated area has healed before applying makeup to ensure the best results and prevent irritation.

Q31: Can I have my permanent makeup modified if my facial features change over time?
A31: Yes, I can adjust your permanent makeup as your features change due to aging or other factors. Followup and maintenance appointments allow for necessary modifications.

Q32: Will my permanent makeup look different in various lighting conditions?
A32: Like traditional makeup, the appearance of your permanent makeup can vary in different lighting. However, I aim to create a natural look that enhances your features in various settings.

Q33: What if I don't like how my permanent makeup turns out?
A33: Before the procedure, thoroughly discuss your preferences and concerns. If you're unhappy with the results, I can make adjustments during the procedure appointment or at a follow-up session.

Q34: Can I get permanent makeup if I have a history of scarring from cosmetic procedures?
A34: Having a history of scarring doesn't necessarily disqualify you. I would speak to your doctor and follow their recommendations.

Q35: Is there anything I should avoid before the procedure, like caffeine or blood thinners?
A35: See pre-care instructions. If you consume caffeine daily then you may consume the amount of caffeine to avoid headaches. Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and blood-thinning medications to reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising. Do not stop taking blood thinners unless you obtain clearance from your doctor.

Q36: How do I clean and care for the treated area during the healing process?
A36: I will provide detailed aftercare instructions, which typically involve gently cleansing the area with eyewash drops for eyeliner and applying Vaseline or for eyebrows and lips cleansing the area with Block Tonic, a mild, unscented cleanser, and applying Skin Candy healing ointment. See aftercare instructions.

Remember, every individual's experience with permanent makeup can vary, so don't hesitate to ask any additional questions you might have during your consultation. I am here to guide you through the process and ensure you're well-informed and comfortable.
Q37: Can I get permanent makeup if I have a pacemaker or other medical devices?
A37: If you have a pacemaker or other medical device, please obtain clearance from your doctor.

Q38: How do I choose the right color for my permanent makeup?
A38: I will help you choose a color that complements your skin tone, hair color, and personal preferences.

Q39: Will I need to shave my eyebrows before getting eyebrow tattoos?
A39: I will usually shape and design your eyebrows before the procedure, leaving as much hair as possible. If you have excess hair outside the desired shape, the technician will remove the hair.

Q40: Can I wear contact lenses during the eyeliner tattoo procedure?
A40: It's recommended to remove contact lenses before the eyeliner tattoo procedure. You can wear glasses on the day of the procedure if needed.

Q41: Can I get permanent makeup if I have oily skin?
A41: Yes, people with oily skin can get permanent makeup. However, the pigment may fade slightly faster compared to those with drier skin. I can discuss aftercare to help maintain the results.

Q43: Can I choose a more dramatic look for my eyeliner or lip color?
A43: Absolutely, you can choose a more dramatic or bold look for your eyeliner or lip color tattoos. Discuss your preferences with me during the consultation.

Q44: Will the pigment change color over time?
A44: The pigment can undergo slight color changes due to sun exposure, skin serums, creams, lotions, and neuromodulators.

Q45: How long should I avoid certain skincare products after the procedure?
A45: I will provide specific guidelines, but generally, you should avoid using skincare products that lighten and brighten your skin on and around your permanent makeup, plus products containing acids, retinol, or exfoliants on the treated area.

Q46: Can I get permanent makeup if I have very fair or dark skin?
A46: Permanent makeup can be customized for various skin tones, including very fair and dark skin. I will adjust the pigments to create a natural and harmonious look.

Q47: Can I wear makeup to my permanent makeup appointment?
A47: It's best to avoid wearing makeup to your appointment, especially around the area to be treated. This allows the technician to work on a clean canvas. Bring your makeup color samples if you desire.

Q48: How do I prevent infections during the healing process?
A48: Following proper aftercare instructions, like keeping the area clean, avoiding touching with dirty hands, and applying healing ointment, can significantly reduce the risk of infections.

Remember, the more you communicate and ask questions, the better your understanding and experience will be when getting permanent makeup. I am here to address your concerns and ensure you achieve the results you desire.
Q49: Can I wear makeup after the initial healing period?
A49: Once the initial healing is complete (around 1-2 weeks), you can wear makeup over your permanent makeup. Just be gentle and avoid abrasive products that might affect the pigmented area.

Q50: How do I know if I'm a good candidate for permanent makeup?
A50: Most people are suitable candidates, but it's essential to discuss your medical history and any concerns with me. I can help determine if permanent makeup is a good choice for you.

Q51: Can I get permanent makeup if I have a scar or uneven skin texture?
A51: Yes, in many cases, permanent makeup can help camouflage scars and create the illusion of smoother skin. I can assess the area and provide guidance.

Q52: What's the difference between microblading and eyebrow shading?
A52: Microblading uses a manual tool with small blades to create fine, hair-like strokes for a natural look, while eyebrow shading uses a machine to deposit pigment for a more solid and shaded appearance. Both are a tattoo.

Q53: Is there a risk of the pigment spreading or becoming uneven over time?
A53: While rare, improper technique or poor aftercare can lead to migration.

Q54: Can I still have facials or chemical peels with permanent makeup?
A54: It's generally recommended to avoid treatments that target the treated area, such as facials and chemical peels, to prevent premature fading. stay 1/2 in to 3/4 in away from your permanent makeup.

Q55: Will I need to change my skincare routine after getting permanent makeup?
A55: I will provide guidance on adjusting your skincare routine during the healing period. Once healed, you can generally resume your regular skincare routine with some modifications. Avoid all products that lighten or brighten your skin tone within 3/4 to 1/2inch of your procedure area.

Q56: Can I get permanent makeup if I have allergies to topical products?
A56: If you have allergies to certain topical products, discuss this with me during the consultation. The pigments I use are hypoallergenic and if you desire at your consultation and we can do a patch test.

Q57: How long should I wait before applying makeup to the treated area after the initial healing?
A57: Wait at least one to two weeks after the initial healing before applying makeup to the treated area to ensure it's fully healed and avoid potential irritation.

Q58: Can I choose a different color for my permanent makeup than my natural hair color?
A58: Yes, you can choose a color that complements your hair color or personal style. I will help you select a shade that enhances your overall look. I have light blondes, medium blondes, dark blondes, light browns, medium browns, dark browns, taupe, charcoal, grey, etc.

Q59: Can I get permanent makeup on a scar or birthmark?
A59: Permanent makeup can sometimes be applied to scars or birthmarks, but it's important to consult with your dermatologist and me to determine if it's feasible and safe for your specific situation.

Q60: How can I extend the lifespan of my permanent makeup?
A60: To prolong the results, protect your permanent makeup from excessive sun exposure, avoid harsh exfoliants, and schedule regular maintenance sessions.

Remember, your questions and concerns are valuable, and I am here to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about getting permanent makeup. Don't hesitate to ask anything that's on your mind.
Q61: Can I get permanent makeup if I have a history of skin cancer?
A61: If you have a history of skin cancer in the area to be tattooed, it's crucial to consult your dermatologist. They can assess the safety of the procedure and provide recommendations based on your medical history.

Q62: Can I choose a specific style for my permanent eyeliner?
A62: Absolutely, you can discuss your desired eyeliner style with me at your complimentary consultation or at your procedure appointment, which includes a consult while you numb. One thing to think about...wings eventually turn into waves as the sides of our eyes are affected by gravity and secondly, the creases will not be identical.

Q63: What should I do if I experience any unusual reactions or side effects after the procedure?
A63: If you notice any unusual reactions, such as severe swelling, prolonged redness, or signs of infection, contact your doctor and email me ior call me mmediately.

Q64: Will my permanent makeup look darker immediately after the procedure?
A64: Yes, the pigmented area might appear darker initially due to swelling and the presence of pigment on the surface. It will lighten as it heals, revealing the final color.

Q65: Can I use makeup remover on the treated area after it has healed?
A65: Yes, you can use a gentle, oil-free makeup remover on the treated area once it's fully healed. Be cautious not to rub too harshly to avoid affecting the pigment.

Q66: Can I get permanent lip color if I have lip fillers?
A66: Yes, you can get permanent lip color if you have lip fillers. However, it's recommended to wait until after any swelling from the fillers has subsided before getting permanent makeup.

Q67: How can I minimize discomfort during the procedure?
A67: Topical numbing creams are applied before the procedure to minimize discomfort. And if you are prescribed anti-anxiety medication, take it as directed prior to your appointment.

Q68: Can I choose a specific design or pattern for my lip color tattoos?
A68: While lip color tattoos aim for a natural appearance, you can discuss your preferences for lip shape and color with me. I will work to create a look that enhances your lips while appearing natural.

Q69: Will I need to avoid certain activities after getting permanent makeup, like swimming or sauna sessions?
A69: It's generally recommended to avoid swimming, saunas, and sweating for a week or two after the procedure to allow proper healing and prevent pigment loss.

Q70: Can I get permanent makeup on areas like beauty marks or freckles?
A70: Permanent makeup can sometimes be applied to areas like beauty marks or freckles, but it's essential to discuss this with me to determine if it's suitable for your specific situation.

Q71: Is permanent makeup safe for all skin types?
A71: Permanent makeup is generally safe for various skin types, but it's crucial to consult with me and discuss your skin type and any potential concerns before proceeding.

Q72: Can I get permanent makeup if I have vitiligo or other skin pigmentation disorders?
A72: If you have vitiligo or other skin pigmentation disorders, discuss this with me. I can assess the area and advise whether permanent makeup is a viable option for you.

Remember, each question you have contributes to a more informed decision about permanent makeup. Don't hesitate to seek clarification or ask about any specific concerns you may have during your consultation. My expertise and guidance will help ensure a positive and satisfying experience.

Everything you need to know about permanent makeup

Microblading FAQs and more